Wednesday, October 7, 2020

CORONA SCANDAL: World's Largest Tort Case Against the "Corona Fraud Scandal"

Leading German lawyer and member of the German Corona Investigative Committee, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich specialises globally in the prosecution of fraudulent corporations. He now leads a stellar team of international lawyers in what will become the world’s largest GLOBAL tort case—against all protagonists and accomplices, in what is now being termed ‘The CoVID Scandal’. In this BOMBSHELL narrative, he lays down the background and details of the upcoming case:

Here is Mr. Fuellmich's transcript:

Important quote from Mr. Fuellmich:

"It is important to note at this point that the definition of a pandemic was changed 12 years earlier. Until then, a pandemic was considered to be a disease that spread worldwide, and which led to many serious illnesses and deaths. Suddenly, and for reasons never explained, it was supposed to be a worldwide disease only. Many serious illnesses and many deaths were not required any more to announce a pandemic.

Due to this change, the WHO, which is closely intertwined with the global pharmaceutical industry, was able to declare the swine flu pandemic in 2009, with the result that vaccines were produced and sold worldwide on the basis of contracts that have been kept secret until today. These vaccines proved to be completely unnecessary because the swine flu eventually turned out to be a mild flu and never became the horrific plague that the pharmaceutical industry and its affiliated universities kept announcing it would turn into, with millions of deaths certain to happen if people did not get vaccinated.

These vaccines also led to serious health problems: about 700 children in Europe fell incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now forever severely disabled. The vaccines bought with millions of tax payers’ money had to be destroyed with even more tax payers’ money. "

    Over the years it has been noted how pervasive pharmaceutical company ads for prescription medicines have become on television and in magazines (even, ironically, in "Health" magazine). The astounding numbers of childhood vaccines and the concomitant rise of Autism cases is no accident, but a disturbing corollary of a health care system that is dysfunctional and, possibly, irretrievably broken.

Advocating a healthy lifestyle as a necessary reality instead of pill popping, our medical establishment by and large has become the pimp for Big Pharma. Our society is sick. Although it is easy to blame rampant obesity and poor lifestyle choices on individual "weakness;" the reality is far more nuanced and malevolent.

Our food supply has been compromised. Our soil and water too. Fluoride added to our water supply has led to an epidemic of  cancer and thyroid related health concerns. Rampant use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides has depleted our soil and contaminated our food supply. As a society, we have moved away from home cooking with healthy ingredients to an unhealthy reliance on fast food and take out. Exercise, another vital component for good (aka normal) health, has become a chore for far too many.

Television drug ads bombard people with quick fixes to all sorts of problems that, in reality,  are due to poor choices and lead to more poor choices as band aid measures. Take for example, the flashy ads to take a pill to cure a ailment. Note the health warnings that flash by on your screen of "possible side effects" of said drug(s).

Instead of advocating what common sense would dictate (a healthy lifestyle), the conventional medical establishment is all about the pill(s) and vaccines. Rarely do they advocate on their patients behalf and advise sound lifestyle choices. Preventative medicine unfortunately is not the norm these days for a reason: there isn't much money in it for Big Pharma. Instead, the emphasis has become on the "cure." A well used farm analogy comes to mind: closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.  Shouldn't the health establishment focus on causes rather than "cure"? Rather, the medical establishment (not all by any measure) today seem to be working for big business. A fact which is antithetical to the Hippocratic Oath ("Do no harm").

Now we are heading toward mandatory Covid vaccination. Individual liberty as reflected in "individual choice" seems to be in danger. Close monitoring and "health passports" are being bandied about as "the new norm" in the age of Covid. The biggest fraud ever in human history. 

2020 is certainly going to go down in history as the turning point year. The year human beings across the globe in unison readily forfeited their individual liberties without a fight because they were told by their governments that the threat was dire and what was needed was a two week shut down....

Acting as sheeple, most accepted this "new normal" which has destroyed their livelihoods and, for many, their physical and mental health too. 

With so many institutions compromised for short term gain (media, academia, health care etc), there is nothing "normal" in this draconian and detrimental "new normal."

May God have mercy on us since our "institutions" seem to have no mercy nor compassion.