Friday, February 2, 2018



What has transpired is not a partisan issue as being readily depicted in MSM. Rather, these, and other, events raise serious concerns about the current health of our Republic.  


1) The United States "watchers" (NSA, FBI, CIA etc) have become politicized. 

2) This latest "co-option" attempt didn't begin in 2015 but has been a slow and steady progression which goes as far back to President Bill Clinton's first administration. It accelerated right after 9/11 (Patriot Act) and gained traction during Obama's administration.

3) Arguments/false concerns over "sources and methods" being revealed by unclassifying this memo by FBI et al ring hollow as exemplified by the contents of said memo.  Nothing and NO ONE has been sacrificed/compromised by the release of what exactly transpired under the guise of "national security." 

4) Redacting the names of those who engaged in seditious behavior and have thus violated their oath to the US Constitution, would have only served to embolden, and ensure, the continuation of a disturbing pattern of sedition which can best be described as a coup d'etat in slow motion against a duly elected President in a Constitutional Republic. The implications of what has been unfolding are truly frightening and not inconsequential for the long term survival of this Republic. 

5) The very institution, the FBI, that is the lead LAW ENFORCEMENT agency has been compromised in that some of its employees have put selfish interest above their oath to serve honorably, and to follow the letter of the law. Not all of course by any measure but they will bear the brunt of the tarnishment. The FACT that NO ONE resigned in protest, or deemed it essential for the survival of this Republic to come forward and put country above self, speaks to how rotten the core has become. And it is a very large core.

6) When the senior "law enforcers" embark on a mission to ensure that the most corrupt and coopted candidate  is elected, you know you've a very serious embedded structural problem in your Federal Government. When the very laws they are authorized to enforce are violated, what recourse do the citizenry have?

7) The entire "Russian collusion" narrative that is fueling the so-called Mueller investigation of President Trump has been like a smelly red herring. As they say: Follow the money.

8) It was never the Russians intervening in our election or surveilling a Presidential candidate's campaign headquarters. IT WAS OUR OWN "WATCHERS." The ones who have the power to spy on each and every one of us (which they certainly do with no compunction under the so-called "Patriot Act") in various ways. And, set the IRS on us when we dare to write about Benghazi on blogs or disclose our sensitive non-attribution briefs provided in a military college  setting to Wired Magazine without permission in order to place a bull's eye on our foreheads, and to silence and intimidate us. 

 9) To reiterate, there was never any "Russian collusion" by the Trump Campaign. But there certainly was a British based one with the Clinton Campaign. The same mandarins in Washington were working with Christopher Steele, a MI-6 operative, and judging from the Steele fiasco and his pathetic "dossier" the question should be asked: Who is Christopher Steele? Any investigation must scrutinize this man to the extent that it leads them to those in the shadows here and abroad. 

10) Congress will need to have the backbone to move towards exposing all to the American People. The people have this right. They also have the right to demand severe accountability and a massive overhaul of our "intelligence" infrastructure which has been compromised to such a degree by certain special interests (oligarhs of various backgrounds) at the expense of the larger good i.e. the people's interests. How we go about this is going to be like walking through an active minefield with snowshoes on. 

I'm terrified of the implications. Have been for some time. You should be too. 

P.S: The fact that the FBI found no wrongdoing when it was accidently uncovered that our former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a personal server for all her official State Department email, not to mention the numerous violations of her and her staff vis-a-vis handling (and unauthorized destruction) of CLASSIFIED materiel was one of many clues that Washington has been corrupted and there are one set of laws for the oligarchs and another for the minions. Truth is truly stranger than fiction.

P.P.S: Representative Devin Nunes is a very brave and honorable man. Support for the 
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is deeply entrenched in Congress. FISA was introduced by Senator Ted Kennedy in 1978, and was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter. However, recent events underscore a need to revisit the constitutionality (and utility) of the secretive (and unaccountable) FISA Court. Critics, like Judge Napolitano, argue that such a secret court is unconstitutional. See his arguments against the FISA Court:

NOTE: A German movie, with English sub-titles, called "The Lives of Others," hauntingly encapsulates life in a Police State, namely the German Democratic Republic in this case. There are many current, and former, "Republics" across the globe that are police states such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), People's Republic of China, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea etc. Not all "Republics" are created equal and the slow, or rapid, descent into life in a Police State is a real possibility without constant oversight and vigilance with a particular focus on "the watchers" both in the public and the private sectors. The link to this movie: