Thursday, March 26, 2020


Realize no one reads this blog. But I find it quite cathartic to occasionally vent on topics that frustrate because, far too often, unfolding events are like watching in slow motion a horrific train crash. 
Whatever happened to common sense and self assessment vice listening to those with ulterior agendas aka fear mongers? OK, notwithstanding Lord Disraeli's warning about statistics, aka cooking the books ("Lies, damned lies and statistics), let's delve into the NUMBERS as of today March 26, 2020. 
Here is the reliable website link:

According to the latest information as of 9:30 AM EST, China, Italy and the UK have ZERO new cases. Granted Chinese statistics need to be caveated as "reader beware." The US had 10 dead. Does this sound like a pandemic along the lines of the Bubonic Plague or the Spanish influenza? Yet, we have shut down our economy and added another two TRILLION to our overweight debt. 

There is something very sinister about all this. We have given both our federal and state governments carte blanche powers that are unprecedented in our history. That should give room for pause. Amazing how easy it has all been for certain entities all at the expense of civil society. 

Granted these numbers will inevitably increase but the larger context needs to be kept in mind: destroying our economy by shutting it down and forcing healthy people to stay in place makes no logical sense. If quarantine is necessary (which I suspect it isn't), it should be targeting people who are in poor health due to obesity and poor lifestyle choices, have pre-existing medical conditions and/or have compromised immune systems. 

The rest of us need to develop herd immunity for the next iteration of this variant of the flu virus. Preventing herd immunity of the healthy translates into a similar situation next time Covid-19 appears. Will shut downs become a very dangerous, suicidal, societal norm?